Daily Mail coverage of the rail track repairs at Dawlish, Devon, England, with photography by Lightworks Commercial and Editorial Photography
Shooting for Network Rail in the wake of the Winter storms

Daily Mail coverage of the rail track repairs at Dawlish, Devon, England, with photography by Lightworks Commercial and Editorial Photography

Daily Mail coverage of the re-opening of the railway line at Dawlish, Devon

Damage to the sea wall at Dawlish, Devon

Shooting hand-held at dusk (it was actually almost dark) with a telephoto lens trying to avoid the spring tidal surge (threatening to engulf you and the equipment any moment) while persuading the police to let you through because you must get the shot. No easy task. This is the top image in the Mail’s coverage.


Government Minister, Patrick Mcloughlin with Network Rail Boss, Mark Carne, inspecting the damage at Dawlish while attempting to dodge spring tides hitting the already broken sea wall. Worthy of note is the bizarre weather; cloudy and stormy one moment followed by moments of blindingly bright sunshine.

Inspecting the railway damage at Dawlish, Devon with Editorail photography by Lightworks

A huge amount of media attention followed the events at Dawlish, Devon.
Here a crew shoot for a documentary on First Great Western

Machinery and workers get a soaking as waves constantly batter what's left of the sea wall at Dawlish, Devon

Machinery and workers get a soaking as waves constantly batter what's left of the sea wall at Dawlish, Devon
For commercial and editorial photography in Devon get in touch