Spring Serpent

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This image of the Temple of Kukulcan at Spring equinox, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, is now on display at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore as part of their "All Things Round" exhibition

Dolomite Autumn

Lush green pasture offset against colourful autumn foliage as the days shorten and the first frosts appear. That special time as the leaves turn and cattle are brought down from their summer pastures. Waiting....wait


The Passion Flower (Passiflora) is so called because it symbolised Christ's suffering on the cross - that was according to Jacomo Bosio, a scholar who lived in Rome in 1609. The

Summer Pasture

Scenes of summer pasture with inquisitive cows high-up in the Dolomites (Alto Adige) Italy. There are some secret places you phot